Saturday, May 16, 2009


Dying is a lonely business. Or, to put it another way, We die alone. And the reason is that,when you get old enough, you find the whole world you knew is gone, all the friends, all the celebraties, all the events. No one, for example, remembers World War II. Dec. 7th, Pearl Harbor Day, passed without a reference. Things change. How wonderfu. But it helps to keep your spirit young to listen to the music of your youth, keep up with the literature that is for all time, everything that lives on, even though the world changes. Even reading books is a thing of the past. The only things that survive, if you're lucky, is love. And my great love died two years ago. Ah, well. Carry on, Jeeves.

1 comment:

  1. You still have friends
    And the will to write
    A legacy of words.

