Thursday, August 6, 2009


Though our ultimate goal should be one-payer national health insurance, as is Medicare, we at least need a public option in the bill now before Congress. Otherwise, what's the point of passing it? We'll just have to go at it all over again.

It's the big insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies that are preventing this from happening. Why should their money be allowed to buy our government representatives? There's something fundamentally wrong with our way of electing government officials when we allow big money to put them in office.

One of the truest of all adages is that it's who pays the piper that calls the tune. We have to, somehow, put a stop to this.


The more a President tries to do for the mass of the people, the more the radical right (mostly the rich, but not all of them) hates him or her (like Hillary Clinton) I remember the hatred FDR engendered in a lot of people. Just virulent hate.

The radical right really hates liberals, or people who want to provide for the poor instead of providing for the rich. GW's first act was to reward his rich friends who put him in office with a trillion dollars in tax cuts over ten years. Dick Cheney started a war to gain the company he worked for a billion dollars a month for providing services to our troops in Iraq.

God forbid the rich should maybe bear a little more of the cost of running this country, since they have benefited the most. It's the growing separation between the rich and poor that ultimately sparks a revolution. Easing the disparity between rich and poor is the right thing to do, in all justice.

Most of the radical right love this dog-eat-dog philosophy, and let the devil take the hindmost. My own father, a policeman in Scarsdale, identified with the rich people he was protecting and voted Republican. His thinking was, I'm sure, that some day he would be rich and he wanted the freedom to make and keep his money, and to hell with the poor.

He was happy to get a ham or bottle of booze from the rich every Xmas. What an ass-hole! No wonder I'm the black sheep of the family. I've always been a liberal democrat. The major difference betweem tje Republicans and Democrats is that the Republicans put money ahead of people, while the Democrats put people ahead of money.

The radical right call their dog-eat-dog world "rugged individualism." Freedom to them means the the freedom to get money however they can without the government intervening, and keeping it with low taxes on the rich. If the wolves eat the sheep, so be it. It's just TS, buddy, if you're not as tough and shrewd and dishonest as I am.